Sunday, October 17, 2010

OK I know I have been bad

Okay so it has been a week since I went on vacation, back home, to see the man I truly love.  I asked him to marry me within the first hour of the visit.  Then he asked me.  We both exchanged rings, it really was sweet.  The one thing I truly loved about his moment was the "signs" I had received from my dad.  For about a month before the trip, I had been trying to get a sign my from my dad (who even though has been passed away for almost 5 years still has a big say in my life), and I finally got not just one but two signs.  They are something special to me that I would rather not share with everyone but I will tell you this they are two VERY BIG signs.

Then after that we really didn't do much but then again we did.  I got to go to my first MMA fight.  I was pretty excited about that.  I am hooked!  But it really should be in person to truly enjoy it.  I had a really good time being with the man I love, his daughter and his brother. 

Then the next day we went and just drove around for a little bit, wanted to go to the cemetery, wanted to go to the festival that was going on but I guess it wasn't meant to be for us to go to that at that particular time. We went to see his best friends son's football game.  That was fun.  Went to the festival that night.  But before that I finally got to meet then son of the man I truly love.  That was great, even though it was really a short meeting.  I wanted to get to know him more, maybe some other time.

Well then that Sunday came really fast.  We went to meet up with his best friend and family for a little while.  Then we went to the airport.  Well they over booked the flight and so I had to go on standby.  We sat in the waiting area for a few minutes and that was the hardest time of it all, because I just didn't want to go and he didn't want to let me go, at least that is the impression I got from the tone in his voice. 

Didn't get to make the flight, had to stay at his best friends house.  That was nice but then again it was hard because my love was so close and yet so far away.

It has now been exactly one week since I have seen him and it has been the longest week in the history of the world.  I miss him so much and I have realized that I just don't belong here.  How can I just tell my children that I am going to leave and I will always be here for them?  They just don't understand how I feel and how I have felt for a very long time.  All they see is that their parents live in the same house and fight over every little thing in the world. 

Long story short...  I got a very nice promise ring, I gave a very nice promise ring, I got to meet some people, I got to see a fight and a game, I got to enjoy the smells and sounds and sites of my home town again... and I fell in love over again.

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