Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Tonight I was speaking to ML and asking him all sorts of questions, I was letting know that I am tired of trying to find out why it is so hard to get my potential slave/sub to submit completely to me.  Why is it that she feels more comfortable talking to someone else instead of me?  Why does she feel she needs to not trust in me/with me?  Why does she feel that her way is the better way and that I am in the wrong? 

Well, after asking her those questions it turned around into me not supporting her in an argument she had been having with a mutual friend.  And so I really didn't get my answers at that time.  So I reworded the questions, still she worked her way around answering the questions I had and turned them around into something that has been bothering her. 

Well to make a long story short, ML has forbid me to take her on as a potential sub/pet until her and I can basically hash everything else that seems to keep weighing on our minds.  I don't see that happening any time soon.  He said he knows I am not happy and that is not what he wants.  I am glad he stepped in and said something, but then again I would have liked to give it a try on my own.  None~the~less, I feel relieved.


On another note, I screwed up last night..  I did not send MC an invitation to my blogs.  I did not make sure that the other emails were sent completely.  Then I don't know what happened, but on a daily basis I am supposed to send a picture of myself with what I am wearing for the day, well that message did not go through.    TOMORROW WILL BE A BETTER DAY!!!

With all of the errors that I have done, I have not been scolded like I should have, I have not been punished like I should have. 


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