Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Worst Pain in a While

Today I have experienced the worst pain I have had in a very very long time.  Not only was it in my shoulder, but in my side as well.  I have a thing called I/C or better known as painful bladder syndrome.  I had to have some of the nerves around my bladder deadened and now I will be on medication for the rest of my life.  This also comes with a new life change for my diet as well.  I am not supposed to have ANY caffeine (meaning coffee of any kind or soda pop of any kind) or chocolate or even alcohol to a degree.  There are quiet a few other things that i am supposed to avoid, like most tomato based sauces, white onions, things like that.  Well needless to say I had a slice of pizza last night and it had all of the things I am supposed to avoid on it.  I know it was a bad thing but I have been doing so well I wanted to give it a try.  WOW! I won't be doing that again.

Other then that I am once again frustrated with my friend.  I am no longer going to call her my potential pet.  She just keeps ticking me off so much that it really makes me want to just stay just friends with her.  Now she is telling me that a co-worker is wanting to throw a party this weekend and she is thinking about going.  Now the clinchers... #1.  The co-worker is a bit younger then she is; #2. She is married; #3. She claims that her husband ASSUMES he is invited; #4. The party is at a hotel. 

She has so much potential to save her marriage but she does not seem to want to and that just makes me so angry.  All she keeps saying is "I am sorry for letting you down"...  " I am sorry"...  "I am sorry for disappointing you".  That just chaps my backside when she says that anymore.  It is hard to tell if she is telling me this to just shut me up or if she really means it.

New topic.....  It is only 21 1/2 days before I am on my trip.  I have only a few things that I really want to and have to do...  I want to go to a special park, I have to go visit the cemetery my grandparents are buried in, I have to go to the see the hot air balloons, and i would like to go and see a girlfriend, even if it is for lunch or drinks.  Those are the only things that I truly want to do while I am there.  I do need to go and do a little shopping, but I know I can do that while I am at the fiesta. But the one thing that I truly want to do is just touch and hold and kiss the one man that I have held a special place in my heart and loved from a far since I was 17 years old.  THAT I can't wait for.

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